Finding Focus

Last month we talked about distractions. And that has led me to spend a lot of time thinking about...

man looking through magnifying glass


In all honesty, focus has been an issue for me lately. 

This leaves me feeling scattered and lost. Not to mention frustrated with myself when the lack of focus causes me to have a difficult time finishing tasks I’ve set out to do.

Focus is defined in the dictionary a few different ways, for us I use the definition “as a point of concentration”.

In such a busy world that is full of items designed to distract us, it can be difficult to find that point of concentration.

Alerts on phones, social media, steaming services, and so on are all purposefully made to pull our attention to them.

Lack of Focus

So what’s the big deal anyway? Does it really matter if we don’t stay focused?

Well, we are human. With “monkey minds” so no, we won’t be 100% focused 100% of the time.

But if we have trouble focussing when we need to, yeah, it can be a problem.

Lack of focus makes it more difficult to stay on task. And if our lack of focus continues to go unchecked it leaves us with a cluttered mind which in turn has the potential to feed anxiety. 

Finding Focus

I’m still working on this one. 

There is no instant fix. It takes willpower to turn off the distractions. The ones we have control over such as the TV, social media, alerts on our phones, etc.

I’ve also noticed that when I practice yoga and meditate more regularly I have more focus.

And I am more likely to practice yoga and meditate when I make it a part of my routine like grabbing a cup of coffee first thing in the morning is routine.

Maybe it will help you find more focus too.

Until next time.

Lots of Love to all of you.


Here at Robyn Bodde Yoga we have both live and pre-recorded yoga classes that you can participate in. Click here to learn more.

Robyn Bodde Yoga: Together We Rise


If you are going through a challenging time please know there are resources out there.  

In the United States this includes but is not limited to:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

SAMHSA’s National Helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

NAMI 1-800-950-NAM

211 (not available in all states)

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