Casual Yoga From My Home to Yours

Practice Live
Practice Live

Join me live, in the comfort of your own home, via Zoom.

Practice On-Demand
Practice On-Demand

Unable to join live, I've got you covered with pre-recorded classes accessible right here.

Meditations & Musings
Robyn Bodde Yoga
A safe space for self-care

My hope for Robyn Bodde Yoga is that it will be a safe space for people to practice self-care and self-exploration through yoga, meditation, and study of yogic philosophy.

Together We Rise

We rise together by coming together in a group to explore ways to better ourselves through self-care and self-exploration. Together we build a community to support one another in our growth.

About Robyn

I was curious about yoga for many years before I became serious about practicing it. After a car accident caused a shoulder and neck injury, I turned to yoga as a way to help manage the pain and gently regain strength. I fell in love with using yoga as a way to calm the nervous system and heal both physically and emotionally.

During 2020 I began my journey into yoga teacher training and completed a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training that same year.

RYT200 Yoga Alliance
45 Min Beginner Hatha_Moment