In my own experiences I’ve noticed that when I try to deny my current circumstances and feelings, I end up even more unhappy. However, when I accept the facts of how things are, I don’t feel as miserable even if I don’t necessarily like it.

Hello Dear Ones,

Welcome to the first ever monthly newsletter from Robyn Bodde Yoga.

How are you doing so far this May?

What is your wish for yourself?

My wish for you this month is Acceptance.


A large and complex topic for sure. With many facets. And, acceptance is a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.

Trying to learn to accept the new reality I find myself in these days.

In my own experiences I’ve noticed that when I try to deny my current circumstances and feelings, I end up even more unhappy. 

However, when I accept the facts of how things are, I don’t feel as miserable even if I don’t necessarily like it.

Accepting helps us to release from ego and our attachment to a desired outcome. In Buddhist beliefs, attachment is the root of all suffering and one of the main paths of spiritual growth is the accepting of all things as they are in the current moment.

Also, when we try to deny we block ourselves from receiving the “positives” the universe is sending to us, too.

Accept yourself for who you are, for where you are, and what you do. Even if you hope for more, accept and find peace with where you are now. All they say, it’s all about the journey, not the destination.

Quote from Eckhart Tolle: Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.

Along with acceptance,  I hope you will find time for yourself. Of course I believe yoga is a great form of self-care and I hope that you would agree.

Currently, there are two Live Classes you can join each week:

  • Sunday morning at 8 AM ET which alternates between Yin and a Hatha styled class.

  • Wednesday evening at 7PM ET is a Yin class.

Live classes are held online over Zoom.

Live Classes don't fit your schedule? That's OK, Robyn Bodde Yoga is also on YouTube!

There's over 30 hours of classes uploaded and new classes are uploaded every Friday morning.

Click Here to learn more about the classes Robyn Bodde Yoga offers.

Robyn Bodde Yoga: Together We Rise
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