You Can Do Hard Things (Perseverance)

Merriam Webster defines Perseverance as "continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition."

So why has perseverance been on my mind lately?

Because since my husband died at the beginning of this year I’ve…

  • hung a new light over the kitchen sink

  • replaced the faucet on the above mentioned sink

  • built a new gate for the backyard

  • and installed a dishwasher

My only help was from a voice on the other end of the phone (thanks, Dad!), and some YouTube videos.

Some tasks were fairly basic, like the gate.

And at times, I had to get fairly creative to get things to work.

And I got frustrated. Oh did I ever get frustrated. 

And I got mad that my husband was no longer here to do these projects with me. So there were times of tears.

And, yes, I wanted to quit on a couple of occasions.

Through it all, the frustration, the anger, the tears, I reminded myself often, I can do hard things.

So the light got hung. 

The kitchen sink got put back into the counter with a new faucet.

The gate was built.

And the dishwasher washes dishes.

Each time I finished a task, I celebrated! I called my parents and told them all about it. Every crazy step that I got through. And I cheered that it was finally done and a success.

And guess what, you can do hard things too. Yes, you. 

Start by committing to it.

Be willing to ask for help or search out resources. There’s no shame in needing assistance to do whatever hard thing you are facing.

Find yourself a good cheerleader. If you can’t think of someone, I’m always here and ready to cheer you on.

Don’t give up.

You can do hard things. You can get through hard times.


Until next time.

Much Love to you

